Episode #5!
Join our co-hosts and new contributor Emma Anderson who will be helping to guest-host Ichariba Choodee episodes! Stepping out from behind the podcast audio-editing role she’s been in, Emma shares her experiences with us as a gosei, fifth generati
on Okinawan and Swedish American, in this casual and laughter-filled get-to-know-you episode. From her involvement in her local Kenjinkai, to her path playing Okinawan Koto in the Ryukyu Sokyoku Koyokai, to being a soul-funk Radio show DJ... we are ippee excited to share the amazing stories of another amazing Shimanchu! Karii and mensore Emma! And, as always, make sure to stick around to the end of the episode for our Okinawa fun fact of the day.
Listen to us on:
or... click the link below to listen!
Show Notes:
Tadaima: www.jampilgrimages.com/tadaima2021
Okinawa Association of America (OAA): www.oaamensore.org
Shimanchu Online Discord: https://discord.gg/tsAZGrF5fS
Nikkei Pals: https://discord.gg/KTSUqxCEy7
Kaiya Yonamine: www.instagram.com/kaiya.okinawa
Shō Yamagushiku: www.instagram.com/shoyamagushiku
Uchināguchi lessons (open to shimanchu only) with Sherry: www.instagram.com/haisai_uchinaaguchi
Shimanchu Pen Pals: https://shimanchupenpals.tumblr.com/
Shimanchu nu Kwii: https://shimanchumag.carrd.co/
Katsuko Teruya and Kōyōkai Los Angeles: https://www.facebook.com/LAKoyokai/
Emma Anderson (She/her): https://eanderson.carrd.co
Ippee nifee debiru (thank you very much!) to Emma Anderson for providing this episode's music! The intro song is Kajadifu Bushi.
Emma’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hapa.girl/
Facebook Page for Katsuko Teruya and the Ryūkyū Sōkyoku Kōyōkai Los Angeles Branch: https://www.facebook.com/LAKoyokai/
And as always, nifee deebiru to Brandon Ufugusuku Ing for the music for the fun fact!
Bandcamp: https://brandoning.bandcamp.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/brandoningmusic
Oki Phrase of the Day / Oki Fun Fact of the Day:
More about the Okinawan kutu: https://mhiram.tripod.com/id24.html
Koto tuning patterns: https://guzhengalive.com/koto
Music educator Derek Fujio: http://dfujio.weebly.com/about-me.html
Huge thank you to Emma Anderson and Joseph Kamiya for audio editing and mastering.
Donations to Ichariba Choodee are very much appreciated!